Michael Butorovich
3 min readJan 10, 2021



Gonzo to the max

Laundry is spinning. I need cigarettes, a shower and this phone to be charged.

I’ll be at work in the next two hours which gives me a window to start up my Gonzo pages.

True Gonzo as Dr.Hunter S. Thompson would see is written moment by moment, no editing. I’d pull out the exact quote from ‘The Great Shark Hunt’ but I have other things to handle.. I also need to not be revising a damn thing…..

I was outside having a cigarette when it hit me, that if this is going to be some sort of journal why not try to keep a moment by moment handle on the saga. I can pay for more data on my Obaphone so it doesn’t have a limit when I’m wired to the wi-fi.

If Hunter had a smart phone he’d have a million subscribers on his Twitter, Insta, Podcast, whatever platform he appeared on.

If Kerouac had a camera I bet he would’ve found a way to mix the two together.

I’ve had many many years to figure out how I’m going to execute my vision.

This is one way.

3:07 PM

There may be some revisal and not every step can be charted but I’ll do my best to keep the stream unaltered. It should make itself.

While clothes dry I need to go get more cigs down the street. My phone has enough life to do a little mission.

Not first without folding my blanket.

I normally walk to music. The gameboy soundtrack for Street Fighter 2 plays as I foot down for Newport menthol.

San Pedro, Ca. Square fuckin one.

There are plenty of places I can visit in and out of town

I will go into any place that sells tobacco but I really enjoy smoke shops. I’d like to start a pipe collection once again. So far I’ve have three.

From left to right their names are Match, Eyeo and Thumb

3:42 PM

As soon as these clothes dry I need a Lyft over to work. Between then I must shower

4:40 PM

I misplaced my fucking hat! That’s very frustrating. I was never able to keep track of headwear anyhow but to lose shit in your own pad is it ridiculous.

There should be extras in the office. Tonight I’ll keep it in a specific place and locate the other one.

My ride is almost here to take me from one clock to another.

I need to stay focused. I forgot my lighter (that’s probably in my pants) — call it a side effect of living a chaotic life then adjusting to routine and file.

As long as I can make it through answering phones, making pies and sorting the labels we’ll be straight.

Time to get down

